Sober Living: 7 Tips For House Managers

The first couple of years of recovery are like learning how to live life independently for the first time. It's exciting, challenging, and takes some time to adjust to.

Sober Living House Management is a great way to extend living in a supportive environment and start to give back.

Set yourself up for the best chance to stay sober.

Find Out More About Sober Living

7 Tips for New House Managers.


Do No Harm

Simply said, "Do No Harm" means avoiding or causing damage to other people by your actions and words. One that can be applied across the board in life.


Set Healthy Boundaries

Keeping one's personal life and business life separate not only ensures the proper operation of the house, it also helps define clear boundaries between house managers and residents. Being friendly is ok, but being friends makes it difficult to uphold the rules. Intimate relationships between residents and managers are unethical and therefore prohibited.


Ethical Responsibilities

House managers are role models. They are held to a higher standard than the residents and need to You can't give away what you don't have. If you can't take care of yourself, you will not be able to help others. Finding balance is an ongoing struggle, but self-care is one thing you can't put aside and deal with later.


Be cautious in self-disclosure.

Self-disclosure is one of the most common occurrences that can unintentionally do harm. A piece of advice I still follow is to think about If the person with whom you are sharing your story will benefit more from hearing it than you will from telling it. Will the information you're going to give about yourself be beneficial or detrimental?


Hold On To Hope

There will be ups and downs, good times and bad. Most circumstances are momentary, believe in yourself and others.


Don't Get jaded.

If people are going to get the help they need, they need someone that cares about what happens to them. Never give up hope, and believe that it's never too late for someone to turn their life around.



You can't give away what you don't have. If you can't take care of yourself, you will not be able to help others. Finding balance is an ongoing struggle, but self-care is one thing you can't put aside and deal with later.
